Hi! My name is Zoya and I am 11 years old, and this is my lifeblog.
My family and I recently moved from London to Tokyo, and so far it has been amazing!!I decided to do this because honestly, I’m bored with this whole stay at home corona situation, and I needed something to do.
Also, writing a blog seems fun! On here I’m gonna post the interesting stuff I do. I really like to cook, draw, dance, read and write, so there will be a lot of that on here!
I have always loved writing and sketching, so I might bring something from the past onto this as well.
I started posting on blogspot from April this year, but then my parents got me this cool personalised site to write on… zoyawrites.com! If that isn’t inspiring, not sure what will!.
I’ve moved all my previously published articles from the blogspot to here now.
Click on Writings on the main menu or here to jump to my current posts.
Do leave your comments or feedback, words of encouragement!