On a dull, cloudy Sunday, Pig was going to the park to play on the monkey bars (a pig on monkey bars… lol). But his sharp trotters got stuck on the thin bars and he squealed for help!
Meanwhile, Buffalo and Rhino were heading there too when they heard Pig.
“Lets go see whats up”, they agreed. And when they got there, they were in fact very mean to him!
“Hahaha! What a pig fat pig! No wonder he got stuck!”, they sneered.
Pig was fuming, but he was also crafty, so he schemed a revenge plan – still while trying to pry himself free!
He got out and introduced himself to the rude pair. They became fast friends, but he never forgot his plan…
He invited them to his house, a cave. Pig asked them what they really wanted to do in life.
“I want to go on a trampoline, and Buffalo wants to roll in a mud-pit.”, Rhino explained.
“Well perfect! I have those in the other room! Both of you, come at different times here tomorrow and I’ll show you!
So they did. Rhino went first. He was so excited – but with surprising strength, Pig locked him in the cave! Rhino screamed and screamed until Buffalo heard him. They realized Pig played them and went to find him.
They again found Pig in the park.
“Oh hi! Where were you? Enjoyed the things?”, he blatantly lied.
Buffalo and Rhino were so disgusted that they threw Pig far away in anger!
The End…
Hi! Happy (late – sorry!) Easter! So I actually wrote that story in 2018! I have a whole folder of these old stories and drawings, so I’ll edit them and post, like this one. So for Easter my Dad planned a Easter hunt for my brother and me. It was SUPERCALIFRAJILISTICEXPIALIDOTIOUS!!! We got a small bag of sweets every time we solved a clue! It was the best! So thanks for reading! xx Zoya xx 🙂
(first written on 13 April 2020)