The Dollhouse

About last week for school we had to write a story about a girl who became a doll. Here it is:

My name is Mila Zaitsev, and this is the story of how I was turned into a doll. It was a long time ago – almost 20 years back, in a tiny Russian village named Volchansk.

I was 10 years old. Unlike other girls, I was a curious person and unlike other girls, I had no friends. Apart from my doll, Lia. I loved her –  until the incident. So here is how I was transformed into the hideous creature I am today.

Snow! It was an everyday thing in Russia, but to this day I still get excited about it. So I leaped out of bed and sped out of the house as fast as a leopard. I headed to the town hall, my favourite place to play. I caught sight of a large blackboard, like the one at school. I decided to play there with Lia. As my feet crunched in the snow I heard the girls from school – Selena, Anna and Galina – squealing in delight as they sledded down the high mountains. I wished they were my friends. But they think I’m a loser – even said it right to my face.  Anyway, the blackboard started creaking as I pulled out Lia from my pocket. And it opened! Like a door! I was curious. So I walked inside…

I cautiously stepped inside, filled with anxiety, only to find a supposedly empty room!! As I looked closer, I saw tiny glinting eyes – but they were friendly… what?            

‘’Hello? Who’s there?’’. And they replied: ‘’Dolls. From the world. Salutations! What is your name?’’I told them my name and asked why they were even here? Apparently they were captured and imprisoned by the Toymaker (that’s his name…). I spent some time there and it was so fun! They are like the friends I never had! I kept going there, and every time I noticed something new about the dolls. I learnt about different cultures all around the world, places I’d never even heard of. But one day they warned me that the Toymaker was coming back to Volchansk, so I couldn’t come again.

But as I heard those girls laughing, something snapped. I couldn’t take it anymore! I was tired of being a lonely child. These dolls were my only friends, and I was going to make the most of it.

So that night, I just went to the room to meet them and honestly not feel lonely! And that was my biggest mistake EVER. And the moment I walked in, I knew something was wrong. So I said: Hello? And a hand clamped over my mouth. the Toymaker…

I tried to scream, but I couldn’t even breath!  “You will be punished”, and with no other words he clicked his fingers and I passed out. Next thing I knew, I was behind a glass shelf and heard my mother’s voice. She looked like a doll… All my family did. Not the same size, but the same design. OH MY GOODNESS. I was a Matryoshka doll…

I had so much more to to see and do. Instead, I was now just stuck in a dusty wooden shelf behind glass in Volchansk. Its my fault. I had to pay the price for greed. To fill that empty hole where friendship should’ve been. But, no…

Did you like that? If you do, thanks! If you don’t, please comment and tell me why. I’d love some feedback. I drew that picture as well! Good, or nah?

So, that’s it! Thanks for reading!
xx Zoya xx
(First written on 8 April 2020, Tokyo)